What is the purpose of the Innovation Hub program?
- The Innovation Hub program aims to support the development of innovation on the financial market by undertaking information activities by the Commission Office for entities qualified for the Program, whose activities include designing, developing or using technological solutions in their activities:
on the financial market (FinTech); - in the area of financial market supervision (SupTech);
- in the regulation area (RegTech).
What is it for?
The program is aimed at:
- entities planning to start operations in the part of the financial market covered by the supervision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (including start-ups) that have an innovative financial product or service based on modern information technologies (IT);
- entities supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority planning to implement an innovative financial product or service based on modern information technologies (IT).

In what form is the support provided?
Support under the Innovation Hub is granted, among others:
- by means of distance communication (Skype for Business with the possibility of telephone connection);
- via e-mail;
- written;
- during stationary meetings.
Apply to the program
Applying for participation in the Program and sending an inquiry is possible via the contact form on the PFSA website or by sending a completed form to the e-mail address fintech@knf.gov.pl, including the indication, apart from the identification of the entity, contact details and persons representing it:
- inquiry and type of support expected from the KNF Office;
- synthetic description of the solution (product, service or business model) with an indication of the target group and the technology used;
- justification of meeting the criteria for obtaining support under the Program.